The Pokémon Scream promotional campaign, a collaboration between the Pokémon Company and the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, was launched in 2018 to celebrate the exhibition “The Scream: Edvard Munch Retrospective.” This unique and spooky promotion featured exclusive merchandise and Pokémon cards with a twist, inspired by Edvard Munch’s iconic painting “The Scream.” This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.
Pokémon Scream Promo Cards: A Hauntingly Unique Collection
The Pokémon Scream campaign introduced five special cards, each depicting a well-known Pokémon reimagined with the signature scream expression from Munch’s painting. These limited-edition cards were available only in Japan and included the following Pokémon:
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The cards were available through a variety of promotional methods, including Pokémon Centers, Pokémon Store outlets, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum’s gift shop during the exhibition.
Pokémon Scream Promo Merchandise: More Than Just Cards
In addition to the special-edition cards, the Pokémon Scream campaign featured a wide range of exclusive merchandise. Fans could get their hands on T-shirts, keychains, clear files, and more, all adorned with the signature scream expression on various Pokémon characters. This limited-edition merchandise added a spooky and artistic flair to the Pokémon franchise.
Impact and Legacy of the Pokémon Scream Campaign
The Pokémon Scream promotional campaign was a successful and innovative collaboration between the Pokémon Company and the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum. It showcased the versatility of the Pokémon brand by merging it with fine art and creating unique collectibles that are highly sought after by fans.
The campaign also demonstrated the potential for future collaborations between Pokémon and other art institutions, as well as the opportunity for the Pokémon brand to continue exploring new and creative avenues for engaging with its fanbase.
The Pokémon Scream promotional campaign remains an unforgettable moment in the history of the Pokémon franchise. It brought together the worlds of art and Pokémon in an unprecedented manner, giving fans a new perspective on their favorite characters and fostering interest in the iconic work of Edvard Munch. The campaign’s limited-edition cards and merchandise continue to be sought after by collectors, ensuring the lasting legacy of this spooky collaboration.