Double Crisis Team Magma’s Numel Common #1

Image of Team Magma's Numel

Card Details

Set Name Double Crisis
Release Date 25 Mar 2015
Rarity Common
Card Number 1

“Double Crisis Team Magma’s Numel: Powerhouse of Portability”


Discover the intriguing versatility of the Double Crisis set’s Team Magma’s Numel, a strong but common Pokémon that has been an integral part of the game since its unveiling. This card, with the code G-23, is more than just another piece of lightweight cardstock. Behind its vibrant illustrations and innocuous façade lies an interesting story that will captivate both seasoned collectors and newbie enthusiasts.

Trivia and Fun Facts About Numel

The Pokémon Numel, represented vividly in the artwork of our highlighted card, is a camel-like creature encapsulating the evident strength and resilience that has made it a favorite among Pokémon fans. Known as the ‘Numb Pokemon’ due to its endurance regardless of its cargo’s weight, there’s certainly no numbness among players when it comes to this card. Numel, while having only a single type—Fire & Ground—makes up for it with striking abilities. Its initial move, ‘Tackle,’ might seem elementary, but its ‘Growth’, ability, which has infinite potential, captivates the players and makes it instrumental in the heat of the battle. Furthermore, Numel evolves into the formidable Camerupt, a well-revered powerhouse within the Pokémon universe.

Significance of the ‘Double Crisis’ Set

The ‘Double Crisis’ set, from which Team Magma’s Numel hails, holds a pivotal place in the Pokémon Trading Card Game (TCG) community. Known for its novelty, the set introduced distinct Team Aqua and Team Magma expansion packs, each named after infamous teams in the Pokémon universe. These additions shook up the TCG status quo by placing villainous teams at the heart of the narrative, offering a distinctive new spin on the gameplay. The Double Crisis set carries just 34 cards, making it one of the smaller collections but no less sought-after than its sizeable counterparts. The rare and highly desirable Team Aqua’s Kyogre-EX and Team Magma’s Groudon-EX are pinnacle cards in the set which, combined with the inclusion of Team Magma’s Numel, makes the ‘Double Crisis’ set an invaluable asset in any collector’s repertoire.


Though classified as a common card, Team Magma’s Numel is far from ordinary. Its vibrant artwork combined with its potential for capacity makes this card a captivating fluorescent hue in the vast palette of the Pokémon TCG. Moreover, the card’s origins in the ‘Double Crisis’ set makes it more of a gem. The set’s distinctive narrative and limited quantity effortlessly boost Numel’s significance. Whether you’re a longtime collector or a newbie enthusiast, Team Magma’s Numel in your collection signifies an understanding and appreciation of the deeper narrative layers within the Pokémon TCG universe. Team Magma’s Numel may not be the rare golden-ticket card everyone dreams of discovering, but this card with its ground-breaking potentials, contributes its part to the rich tapestry of the Pokémon TCG. It’s a testament to the fact that a card’s real worth often lies beyond face value, finding its true home amongst the hands of those who truly appreciate it.

Tags: Team Magma’s Numel, Double Crisis

Categories: Set Card

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