Dragons Exalted Wurmple Common #6

Image of Wurmple

Card Details

Set Name Dragons Exalted
Release Date 15 Aug 2012
Rarity Common
Card Number 6

“Dragons Exalted Wurmple Common #7: A Lethal Underdog”

Introduction: An Underestimated Adversary

In the realm of Pokémon cards, often seekers and collectors might get swayed by shiny holo-graphic cards or obsess over the ultra-rare finds. It’s easy to get lost in the charm of such cards and neglect the underrated yet formidable ones like our Wurmple, a common card from the Dragons Exalted set. This card, number 7 in the set, holds its own charm, and is a worthy addition to any deck or collection. Illustrated by Pokémon veteran Yuka Morii, the Wurmple card showcases this small and feisty bug-type Pokémon bristling with fearlessness and resolve.

Wurmple Trivia Corner

Wurmple, despite its small size, is known for its distinct defense mechanism, releasing poison from its tail spikes when threatened by predator bird Pokémon. This enhances its survivability in the brutal, survival-of-the-fittest world of Pokémon. This Pokémon’s resilience is remarkably symbolized in the Wurmple common card number 7 from the Dragons Exalted set. Its tenacity, weakness, and resistance are perfectly depicted, giving it a unique stance among its fellow common cards. The card’s attack, “Bug Bite”, maintains Wurmple’s essence from the television series – simple yet effective. Wurmple, no matter how common, can and will stand its ground.

Significance of Dragons Exalted Set

The Dragons Exalted set holds a special place in the Pokémon Trading Card Game community for different reasons. Released in August 2012, this set was a game-changer for incorporating Dragon-type Pokémon cards for the first time, breaking the conventional card categories. It contains a total of 124 distinctive cards, making it one of the larger sets in the Pokémon TCG. This set addresses both sides of Pokémon card lovers, as it contains powerful Dragon-type cards to enhance game strategy, as well as extremely rare and beautiful cards to satisfy aesthetic-seeking collectors. Wurmple, though a common card, blends into this set with its unique texture and color coordination that is consistent with the overall artistry of Dragons Exalted set.

Importance of Wurmple to Collectors and Players

For collectors, Wurmple, offers the beauty of simplicity. The art structure of the card is minimalistic yet visually appealing. The presence of such an underestimated Pokémon in their collection sparks a sense of uniqueness. Players, on the other hand, must understand the strategic value this card offers. Even as a low-cost common card, It serves a crucial role as a basic Pokémon capable of dealing damage to the opponent early in the game. While it may not be the game-winning card, it certainly plays a role in building towards victory. Wurmple teaches us a valuable lesson, both in collecting and life: Not all that glitters is gold. Sometimes, the dimly lit can shine brighter than diamonds. This common card’s value lies not in its rarity, but in its simplicity, resilience, and unique blend of strategy and aesthetics. True connoisseurs of the Pokémon TCG know to appreciate this tiny warrior from the Dragons Exalted set.

Tags: Wurmple, Dragons Exalted

Categories: Set Card

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